What are Advanced Therapies?
Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMPs) have huge potential to save, or improve, the lives of patients suffering from a range of chronic, rare, incurable and lifestyle-related diseases. Advanced Therapies work by using and enhancing the body’s natural defence and repair mechanisms to address disease and tissue damage (cell therapies), or correcting the results of genetic defects (gene therapies).
Maximising opportunities to work with the public to facilitate co-production of services and to engage with decisions around commissioning, and the adoption or non-adoption of these treatments.
Work in partnership to develop a workforce plan for ATMPs that reflects the evolution and emergence of new treatments.
Develop a strategic plan to ensure that research and innovation opportunities and current challenges for ATMPs are addressed in order to improve health, well-being and prosperity for the population of Wales.
Review current infrastructure, resources and facilities necessary for the delivery of ATMPs in Wales such as clinical trials delivery, general wards, and laboratory and pharmacy services.